Support us

We and our animals appreciate all possible support. Every donation is used to ensure the animal welfare of our residents.

Donations are doubled!

You can find more information here.

Tell a friend

Help us spread our mission for animals and animal welfare around the world. Tell your friends, follow us on Facebook and Instagramlike, share and comment on our content. This creates reach and helps our animals to reach many people.


Account holder: Lebenshof Odenwald
IBAN: DE63509615920000054356
Credit institution: Volksbank Weschnitztal e.G.
Purpose of use:  
Donation to Lebenshof Odenwald (or the animal you would like to support)


Simply donate with Paypal at the e-mail address or directly under

Food and material donations

We purchase most of the products from our farmyard animals from WiBa specialist market in Mörlenbach. We are very happy to receive vouchers from there or monetary donations so that we can continue to source our products regionally.

For sustainability reasons, we will not be sending our animals' Amazon wish lists in future. We are always very happy about the food and other packages that have been sent to us directly. Unfortunately, however, not every gift is always used. With a voucher from WiBa specialist market or a monetary donation, you can always support our animals according to their needs and use.


If you would like to personally sponsor one of our animals, please send us a short e-mail to We will then send you a form and all the necessary information.

You will receive a personal sponsorship certificate for your sponsorship. There are also regular sponsor days on our farm where you can get to know your sponsored animal personally.

Sponsorships are of course possible as a gift. Just send us an e-mail and we will inform you about the procedure.

Donation receipt

In Germany simplified verification requirements apply for donations up to a total of 300 euros/year. This means that you can simply use a copy of your bank statement as proof and the tax authorities will recognize this.

If you need a donation receipt, please send us an e-mail to (with your full postal address and details of when and how much you donated).