Hans, the handsome mallard drake, was brought to us in March 2024 after he escaped from a small animal breeding facility and was found alone in a neighboring village. It seems as if he had guessed that we were in the process of creating a home for ducks anyway. The previous owner could be traced and has contacted us. But - Hans can stay!
We are very happy about this new addition and are excited to see what we can experience with Hans and his other conspecifics who will soon be moving in.

In April 2024, we received an inquiry from Erfurt asking if we could take in an injured duck. Herbert was brought to us just a few days later and was allowed to move into the male duck flat.
Herbert is missing part of his beak. We don't know how this happened. However, he would not have survived in the wild because he cannot eat from the ground with his beak.
On our farm, his food is served in such a way that he can eat it well despite his injury. We have dammed up the stream and built a pond for the ducks. Herbert and his friends Willi and Hans, who also moved in just a month before, can now splash around happily and feel at home.

Helmut moved into the sanctuary in May 2024. This is not a classic rescue story.
After Herbert moved in with us, he and Willi became one heart and one soul and Hans was literally on his own. That was not a nice experience for us. He seemed lonely and withdrawn, while the others swam happily in the pond, which Hans avoided anyway. So we kept an eye out for a buddy of his kind.
We couldn't find a mallard drake that was obviously in distress, so we asked at the small animal breeding facility where Hans had escaped. And that's how Helmut came to us - no stranger to Hans.
Hans didn't seem enthusiastic at first, so we seriously doubted whether it was the right decision. After a few days, however, the two of them got their act together and are now taking it easy together.
Conclusion of the duck-man relationship status: "It's complicated". Or rather, three is one too many or one too few.

Just a few days after Hans arrival in March 2024, Willi has now also joined our sanctuary family. The runner duck drake was already allowed to grow up in a loving home. However, he was rejected by the rest of the flock and was therefore looking for a new home.
He has now found this home on our farm. Hans was delighted to have the company of Willi. Since then, the little male flatmates have been inseparable.