Tales Of The Sanctuary

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With these stories I would like to take you with me to the sanctuary, give you an insight into our work, show you encounters that touch me every day, and above all I would like to give the animals themselves a voice and show that behind each of these creatures there is a personality of its own, with its own feelings and emotions.

Kuh Hanni, Sohn Mogli Junior und Joar

Happy end for father, mother and children

The story of Hanni and Mogli Junior - mother and son, who moved in with us a few weeks ago - is not really a classic rescue story. And yet it is a story with Happy end for father, mother and children.

About the author

Even as a child, Joar Berge had an extraordinary connection to cows that was to shape his entire life. After years of excessive city life in various metropolises, Joar followed his true dream and gave the cows Dagi and Emma a place to live. This decision gave his life a completely different direction and revealed to him the importance of special animal-human relationships. Since then, Joar has spent countless hours in the cow pasture, blending into the rhythm of the growing herd of cows and sharing his experiences with us. Then Joar makes another groundbreaking decision - and not just for his own life: Together with friends, he founds a sanctuary for animals. This turns his dream into a personal calling. In the time that follows, Joar goes through a process that not only describes his own path to inner happiness, but also inspires many others to have a special relationship with animals. (Blurb from Spiegel bestseller "Cuddling cows: How the animals and I started a new life", Only available in German)

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